The Pros to Google+ Comments

Google +

I know this is a little late but I bet a lot of people are still pissed about this. 

We’re all annoyed about what happened to Youtube, right? Let me elaborate. Youtube is now forcing us to make a Google account. They’ve even prevented us from making comments without it. But is Google+ really so bad?

I thought today we could look at the pros that Google+ Comments have to offer :

1 : It can help promote your Youtube channel.

This one doesn’t apply to me but I thought I’d make the point that when you make a comment on a Youtube video, there’s a box already ticked that posts the comment on your Google account. That way your videos will show up on the profile of people who’ve commented on them, giving you more publicity.

2 : You can now leave links in comments

On one level, this could be a bad idea, as Youtube already has a big problem with spam which I won’t get into right now. However, this feature is very useful and fun.

3 : 500 character limit = gone

Before, you could only write comments that are 500 characters or less. This is gone and there is now no limit to the length of your comment. Personally, I think this is the best feature. I’ve had many problems before with trying to make my comment below 500 characters and this feature gets rid of it altogether.


So there you go. I hope this post has given you a little bit of a positive outlook on the change that has happened. More posts soon.